Drug and Alcohol Counselling and Treatment

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Drug and Alcohol Counselling and Treatment

At Psychwest we are specialists in Drug and Alcohol Counselling. Our highly qualified and experienced counsellors and psychologists can provide professional and effective Drug and Alcohol counselling and treatment services to help you manage any substance use problems.  

Alcohol and Other Drugs are often used for the purpose of celebrations, socialising, relaxation, healing, spirituality and commiseration. Some people tend to choose substances that they feel will help them in some way, such as increasing pleasure, or decreasing emotional or physical pain, or coping with stress and anxiety.

However, with time,some people can find their alcohol or other drug use becomes problematic, because the harm or risk of harm associated with the substance use outweighs the benefits. Substance use may be a problem when you:

  • Have difficulty meeting responsibilities at home, work or school
  • Use more than you intended despite wanting to cut down or quit
  • Have tried unsuccessfully to reduce or cease using alcohol or drugs
  • You are facing court or other legal proceedings (including criminal or family law matters) due to your actions while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Have recurring problems with health, safety, relationships, finances through the substance use
  • You need the substance to cope with everyday life or particular experiences
  • You organise other events or needs around your substance use
  • You need increasing amounts of the substance to have the same effect
  • You feel sick or moody without the substance, but feel normal upon resuming use
  • You find yourself using as a way to maintain your friendships

Problematic drug and alcohol use may have a detrimental impact on your physical health, and adversely affect your psychological, social and emotional well-being. The effect that drug and alcohol dependency may have on your relationships can be quite devastating, and may even drive your loved ones to breaking point.

If any of the above are happening for you, and you think your use of alcohol or other drugs is having an impact on your life, it may be worth seeking treatment with one of our qualified and highly experienced drug and alcohol counsellors. At Psychwest we will help you to gain an understanding of your use of alcohol and/or drugs including identifying what needs are being met through your substance use. We will assist you to find alternative ways of meeting those needs (for example, ways to increase self confidence, ways to cope with unwanted emotions and thoughts), strategies to help with cravings for substances, help you to be able to challenge the reasons (or justifications) for using your substance of choice, and give you the skills and strategies to allow you to manage your substance use into the future, and develop positive and healthy lifestyle choices.

Our drug and alcohol specialist counsellors are also endorsed Forensic Psychologists. So if your situation has resulted in legal proceedings, we can provide reports that outline the assessments and treatment you have completed, and our reports will withstand the scrutiny of the judicial system.

Continue reading below to find out more about misuse and addiction and how one of our alcohol and drug specialists will help you.


Signs that Abuse Has Become Addiction

Substance abuse can lead to substance dependence or addiction when both the amount of substance used and the rate of use increase. People who experience drug or alcohol addiction feel unable to control the impulse to use, and they often experience withdrawal symptoms in the sudden absence of the substance. Alcoholism, for example, occurs when people become chemically dependent on alcohol, and those who are addicted may become ill if they suddenly stop drinking. People may also feel psychologically dependent on a substance and continue to use it, particularly under stressful circumstances or to alleviate other psychological problems. Some people deny or are unaware that they have a problem with addiction, and sometimes a person’s substance dependency and abuse remains hidden from loved ones.

Signs of chemical dependence include:

  • Increasing tolerance, or the need to consume more of the substance to reach the desired altered state.
  • Requiring the substance throughout the day.
  • Seeking the company of other users and cutting off social ties with non-users.
  • Dismissing or resenting expressions of concern from loved ones.
  • Avoiding other activities and failing to meet obligations.
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms in the absence of the substance.
  • Hiding use from family and friends.
  • Binging—using heavily—for many hours or several days.
  • Feeling unable to quit.


What Leads a Person to Misuse Drugs or Alcohol?

Psychological, biological, social, and physiological factors might all play a role in whether or not a person comes to abuse drugs or alcohol. A family history of substance abuse can make a person more vulnerable to addiction, and social factors, such as peer pressure and ease of availability can increase the likelihood of a person developing a problem with drugs or alcohol. In addition, once a person begins using heavily, physiological changes often take place, and that person may then become physically dependent, requiring him or her to continually use the substance in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

People who misuse drugs or alcohol often do so as a way of coping with experiences, memories, or events that emotionally overwhelm them. Whether they are equipped with appropriate coping strategies or not, people who misuse substances rely on the immediate gratification of drugs and alcohol as an alternative to facing the issues at hand. In the long term, however, reliance on drugs and alcohol will almost surely worsen any emotional or psychological condition. Chronic self-medication may be a sign that therapy is warranted in order to address an underlying condition or difficulty


What kinds of problems can alcohol or other drug use cause?

  • We often tend to think of the immediate harm associated with what drug is being used, how much and how often. But substance-related risks or harm can occur at any stage of drug use, including:
  • How you get hold of the substance (e.g. raising the money or risks in buying the substance)
  • How you put the substance into your body (e.g. drink, eat, inhale, smoke, snort, or inject)
  • The effect of the drug on your body (e.g. increased heart rate, unconsciousness or long-term liver damage)
  • What you do while under the influence of the drug (e.g. increased risk taking or neglect of other responsibilities)
  • What happens when you cease to use (e.g. depression when “coming down” or withdrawal symptoms).


What can you do if you think you have a problem?

It can sometimes be hard to admit that your alcohol or other drug use has become a problem, especially if you still enjoy aspects of the drug use. Think about whether you would like to change your use in some way, such as:

  • What you use
  • How much you use
  • When or how often you use
  • Method of use
  • Where you use
  • Who you use with
  • What you do to get hold of or afford the drug
  • What you do while under the influence of the drug.


It can be useful to ask yourself what are the helpful and not so helpful consequences of using the substance, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of cutting down or quitting. These questions are particularly useful in identifying what goals you would like to set for yourself in changing your substance use, and the challenges that you might experience in working toward achieving those goals.


Replacing the substance use

It helps to identify what needs the substance use is meeting, and find alternative ways of meeting those needs.

  • Experience pleasure or relaxation
  • Feel more confident or assertive
  • Socialise or feel a sense of belonging
  • Have a break from problems
  • Cope with painful feelings or memories
  • Pass the time
  • Complete other goals or tasks
  • Delay or avoid doing unpleasant tasks
  • Prevent the onset of withdrawal symptoms
  • Do what you would ‘normally do’ – it’s a habit.

While substance use may help to meet these needs in the short term, prolonged use of substances over time may be less effective in meeting these needs, as well as creating additional problems such as those noted previously. Just as it takes time to develop substance use habits, it sometimes takes a while before the alternative solutions feel natural and effective. Finding other ways to meet your needs can involve trial and error. Instead of looking for one solution that will replace the substance, it usually helps to replace the use with a variety of alternatives.

Dealing with cravings

People often experience strong urges to use the substance when they first try to cut down or stop their use. The following suggestions have been found to be useful by some people to cope with cravings:

  • Work out when you are most likely to experience cravings and plan how you intend to cope with them before they happen
  • Identify when the craving starts – it is easier to deal with cravings before they become more powerful
  • Remind yourself that cravings are a normal part of cutting down and that they will pass with time – the less you give into cravings the weaker they become
  • Try to find something to distract yourself with – even if you only delay using the substance
  • Talk to someone supportive
  • Try to work out when you are more likely to crave the substance – e.g. in certain situations, with particular people, or when you feel a certain way – and plan ahead how you will deal with each situation when it comes up.


It is a good idea to plan alternative activities for the times you would normally use alcohol or other drugs, but you may also need to look at broader changes to your lifestyle or coping strategies.


Strategies to cut down

Some people choose to cut down their use rather than stop immediately, either to regain control over their use or as a step toward stopping completely. It is advisable to seek medical advice prior to cutting down or ceasing use, as some people experience severe withdrawal symptoms. Seek medical assistance if you become unwell during a reduction in substance use.

The following strategies have been found to be useful in cutting down:

  • Plan your use – set limits on the day, time and amount being used
  • Try to have at least two substance free-days a week
  • Fit your substance use around other priorities
  • Plan ahead how you will deal with times you might find difficult – you may need to avoid some situations at first
  • Delay the first use and each use after that
  • Don’t try to keep up with others – go at your own pace
  • Ask a friend to support you
  • Find something else to do to take your mind off wanting to use for example it can help to take up a new hobby
  • Identify friends who support your efforts to change and who you feel comfortable with – you may initially decide to spend less time with friends who use the substance you are trying to reduce
  • Decide how you intend to respond to friends who might offer you the substance before you see them
  • Remind yourself of the good things about cutting down
  • Identify other things you have in common with friends apart from substance use.


Rewarding effort

Reward your efforts to change, even if you don’t always meet your goals. Changing habits can be difficult, and being hard on yourself just tends to make it worse. Try not to rely on will-power alone – it’s a hard way for anyone to change their habits. Try a range of strategies to cut down or quit. Each time you try to make changes, ask yourself what you could do differently next time and what you would still do the same. You may choose to get some help along the way. But the most important thing is to keep trying. It’s worth it.


Where to get help

Our specialists at Psychwest will develop a specific treatment plan for you and guide you through the strategies outlined. They can help you to work out where you are getting stuck in making changes and help you to develop strategies that are relevant to you.

If you are using substances to cope with other difficulties, our specialists drug and alcohol counsellors and psychologists can also help you to find other ways to deal with these problems. These problems might include grief and loss, abuse, trauma, relationship break ups, low self-esteem, or overwhelming emotions such as anger, anxiety or depression.

It can also be valuable to seek help when someone you care about has a problem with alcohol or other drug use, as it can be an emotionally difficult and draining experience. At Psychwest we can assist you to find ways to deal with challenging situations and look after yourself.

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